RRB, ALLAHABAD,Final Result of Withheld candidates, ALP, CEN No. 01/2014.
Based on selection organized by RRB/ALD after document verification conducted from 16-05-2016 to 21-05-2016 (Phase I)
who were earlier withheld for want of certain clarification, now cleared for the post of Assistant loco Pilot, Cat- 01 of
Centralized Notification No. 01/2014, candidates with Roll Nos., GIVEN IN THE LINK BELOW in order of merit, (to be read horizontally), have been
selected and placed on the final panel provisionally.
The appointment of the candidates shall be subject to being found suitable in all
respects & in medical standards as per rules:
FOR COMPLETE RESULT CLICK;http://www.rrbald.nic.in/res-12082016.pdf