Friday 13 January 2017

GUJARAT PSC, Result of the Interview , Lecturer (Senior Scale), Gujarat Nursing Services, Class-1 Advt. No. 40/2015-16


 No:RCT-102015-745-R/5 ADVT NO.40/2015-16 Dt.12/01/2017 

Result of the interview for the post of Lecturer, Sr. Scale. Guj. Nursing Service, Class-1 held by the Commission on 12/01/2017 declared as under: Minimum Qualifying Standard General 50 Marks General Female 45 Marks S.E.B.C. 35 Marks S.E.B.C. Female 31 Marks S.T. 35 Marks S.T. Female 31 Marks (A) TO BE RECOMMENDED TO GOVERNMENT FOR APPOINTMENT :

 Sr. No. Name of Candidate Code E. No. Caste Marks 

1 Shri Rajendrakumar Ramanlal Mecwan EAA 01 General 55 2 Shri Mustapha Sanklabhai Meghrajia EAG 06 SEBC 38 (B) Marks obtained, in viva-voce, by the Unsuccessful Candidate are as under: Sr. No. Name of Candidate Code E.No. Caste Marks 1 Shri Mahendrabhai Bhikhabhai Patel EAB 2 30 2 Shri Ravindra Ningaraju Hebbasale EAD 3 35 3 Shri Harsukhlal Tulsidas Dave EAF 4 27 4 Shri Dayalal Dhulji Patidar EAE 5 29 Note: 06 posts of General category and 01 post of SEBC category remained vacant as no suitable candidates were available, while 01 post of S.T. category remained vacant as no candidates was available for the interview.