Saturday 17 September 2016

How to become a millionaire ...

Once a man's life was so miserable that he decided to commit suicide, therefore, with the intention of drowning in the river when he tried to jump in the river he saw that there were a monk, he asked, "are you going to do die ..?

" yes I want to die.."the man answered, " Why do you want to die? "the monk asked, then asked the man said," look "I have no money? and no body want to help me even'

Monk then said, "say, how much money you need? ' I'll help you.

The man listened to the sage, at first did not believe him, but he saw the monk looked serious,

"You can give me, if I ask for all the money." The monk said, "Yes can I say, how much do you want? "

" can you give me one million rupees? "the man asked,

"I will, but instead you'll have to meet my demand at first "said the monk. " what demand "the man asked the monk said you first give me a thousand rupees, then I'll give you a million,"

The man admitted to the monk and started thinking how to make a thousand rupee , he also thinks, feels, lower level of the job, I do it ?, why he finally decided to work as a labour on daily wages at the railway station .

After many days he could save thousand rupees from his earning. he came back to the monk, the monk had been going on from there, the man was very disappointed, he felt that he has been cheated . hermit betrayed him.

he had lamented and went. there were a thousand in his pocket , which he earned. he took that money and launched a PAN BEEDI shop. Slowly, and slowly after many months he learned lot of money and he became a millionaire. Man then thought that the monk was not a cheat perhaps, it was he taught him to earn money which lead him to become a millionaire.

Story - Prabhu Dayal Khattar