Tuesday 23 August 2016

ASSAM PSC, Computer practical test and Viva Voce interview , Jr.A.A. in office of APSC

 it is hereby informed to the candidates who are qualified in the Main written examination, are requested to appear in the Computer practical test to be held on 27.08.16 at Assam Engg. Institute at 11.00 AM to 1.00 PM (for 2(two ) hours) and accordingly the viva-voce test will be held on 29th & 30th Aug.l2016 at A.P.S.C. office building at Khanapara, Guwahati-22. 

The intimation letters to the candidates will be uploaded on 23.08.16 in the Commission's website www.apsc.nic.in. The candidates shall have to download their own intimation letter from the aforesaid websit

 ·VOCE TEST DATE TIME VENUE ROLL NOS 29.08.2016 11.00 AM APSC office 

0000023,0000133,0000511,0000623 building 0000728,0000791,0001167,0001320, 0001322,0001348,0001370,0001374, 0001493,0001525,0001537,0001666, 0001695,0001999,0002062,0002099, 0002271 ,0002285,0002360.000272 7, 0002741,0002831,0002874,0003026. 30.08.2016 11.00 AM APSC office 0003043,0003337,0003535, building 0003739,0003752,0003793,0003858, 0003889,0003923,0004058,0004104, 0004188,0004196,0004307,0004402, 0004462,0004481,0004509,0004565, 0004657,0004687,0004690,0004709, 0004957,0004969,0005104,0005206, 0005222,0005470. ~ 

FOR DETAILS CLICK;http://apsc.nic.in/JRAA_20Aug16.pdf